Driver of Market Efficiency

Sero is a wealth technology ecosystem linking participants in a trusted and regulated environment, in real-time.

Sero is a technology ecosystem that allows organisations to digitally transact with each other, in a trusted and regulated environment, in real-time.

Sero operates exclusively via banks participating in a network of interlinked companies, working together to deliver value propositions to meet customers’ core needs.

Sero offers clients seamless connectivity, data driven intelligence, operational effectiveness, and access to financial insight and risk control via transparent regulator cleared real-time transactions.

Sero - Straight-through Electronic Real-time Operation 

Sero was created as a digital transaction utility to manage unlisted securities including banking products, superannuation, pension schemes, insurance and health products.

Sero’s technology uses the same current technology standards operating in the securities market today. Sero has expanded those security standards by creating a pre-trade check that includes:

  • A unique global investment number
  • A country specific market compliance rules engine that is managed by regulators
  • Moving beneficial ownership of products when the transaction is settled
  • A confirmation of the transaction sent to all transaction related parties.


Sero automates the management of wealth transactions making it easy and risk free for all participants by; reducing compliance, governance and operational and administrative costs STP digital protocols.

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Sero is a gateway to innovation, offering banks and other wealth organisations the opportunity to create new revenue opportunities.

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Sero technology takes the complexity, effort and risk out of completing and reporting a transaction.

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The Organisation
Windhorse is a digital service provider that creates innovative solutions for all organisations involved in the financial services industry globally.

Windhorse partners with leading market authorities and organisations bringing together extensive market knowledge to address; technology, efficiency, and security challenges faced by participants in the wealth managment industry today. Our solutions assist organisations to achieve positive; financial, operational, and reputational outcomes that are measurable and beneficial for all market participants.

Windhorse is a privately owned and funded company.

Our People
Our strength is our people. Our people make up a dedicated and highly dynamic team that provide a wide breadth of business acument and expertise from working across the wider global financial services market. The collective knowledge and industry insight of the team has been instrumental in developing our core market solution Sero. The Sero ecosystem transforms the way financial securities, including; unlisted products, and superannuation and pension schemes, can be traded in the digital world.
  • Auckland, New Zealand

For more information on how Sero can help your organisation contact us today!