The Organisation
Windhorse is a digital service provider that creates innovative solutions for all organisations involved in the financial services industry globally.

Windhorse partners with leading market authorities and organisations bringing together extensive market knowledge to address; technology, efficiency, and security challenges faced by participants in the wealth managment industry today. Our solutions assist organisations to achieve positive; financial, operational, and reputational outcomes that are measurable and beneficial for all market participants.

Windhorse is a privately owned and funded company.

Our People
Our strength is our people. Our people make up a dedicated and highly dynamic team that provide a wide breadth of business acument and expertise from working across the wider global financial services market. The collective knowledge and industry insight of the team has been instrumental in developing our core market solution Sero. The Sero ecosystem transforms the way financial securities, including; unlisted products, and superannuation and pension schemes, can be traded in the digital world.